Make Money From Blog:
From this post i want to walk you through the process how to make money through blog.
I often asked how to make money from blog so want in this article to lay out some basic steps that i see most blogger also successful blogger.
1. Set up your blog.
2. Create useful content.
3. Get off your blog and finding readers.
4. Build engagement with readers that some.
5. Start making money from the readership you have through one
or more of a variety of income stream.
Here's how to make money from blog.
1. Start A Blog:
In order to make money blogging you're going to need to have a
blog.While this is pretty obvious it is also a stumbling block for
many pre-bloggers who come to the idea of blogging with little
or no technical background.
If that's you - don't worry it was my story too and most blogger
start out feeling a little overwhelm by the process of their
2. Start Creating Useful Content:
A blog is not a blog without content once you've set up your
blog up you need to focus your attention upon creating useful
content.What you choose to create will depend a little on the
topic that you choose to write about(On that note)
The key with creating content is to make it as useful as possible.
focus upon creating content that changes people's lives in some
way will be the type of content that people will value the most
and it will help people to feel they know, like and trust you
which is really important if you later want make money from
3. Get Off Your Blog And Start Finding Readers:
As you create the most useful content that you possibly can it is
easy to get very insular with your focus and spend most of your
time looking at building your blog.Many bloggers have a build
and they will come mentality with their blogging but this is a bit
of trap.
If you want to make money from a blog you need to only focus
upon building a great blog but it is also necessary to get off your
blog and to start promoting it.
There are many ways to experiment with growing your blog
audience but it is important to enter into all these strategies
remembering that you should not just be looking for traffic but
Once you know who you're hoping to have read your blog ask
yourself where that type of person might already be gathering
online.Begin to list where they might be gathering.
- Are they reading certain blog?List the top 5
- Are they participating some forums? List the top 5
- Are they listening to podcasts? List the top 5
- Are they engaging on certain social network?List the top 5
- which accounts are they following on each of these social network? List the top 5
4. Build Engagement With The Readers That
With sustain focus upon creating great content and finding
readers for your blog you begin to notice people's visiting your
blog and engaging your content.
At this point you need to switch your focus to engaging with
those readers and building community.
Respond to comment,reach out to those readers personally and
do everything that you can to keep them coming back again.
5. Start Making Money From The Readership
You Have Through One Or More Of A Variety
Of Income Stream:
Ok- the first four step of starting blog,creating content,finding
readers and build engagement with those readers are important
foundations that you really do need to get in place before you'll
be able to build a long term income of your blog.
There's no avoiding that what we cover is a lot of work but you
do it well you'll be setting yourself up well and giving yourself
every chance of being able to make money from your blog.
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