Ways to Make Money Online by Designing Here you will find some great options how to make more money whit your strongest skill. By designing for people. Let’s take a look at them.
1. Info graphics Designer:
The design industry has lately grow fond of Info graphics. There was a time when including the word alone in an article title meant the article would be a hit. Though such days have passed by, everyone sees the value of quality Info graphics. Info graphics provide loads of useful information in a graphically attractive format which is easy to consume for an average human brain.2. Accepting Donations:
Please don’t bombard me with your I-cannot-take-donations type comments. If you cannot take donations then move on. For those who can, please keep reading. The idea of donations won’t work unless you are giving back to the community. And, if you are actually giving back something to the community then rest assured that people will donate money to you. All that you have to do is generously ask for donations. Yeah, it works!3. Write for Blogs:
Well, once I wrote a post about why every web designer must have blog. The article received a mixed response, but at the end of the day most of the designers agreed that the parallel habit of blogging has its own advantages. Henceforth, web designers can earn a lot by launching their own blogs or by writing for other blogs. It is matter of time and patience before the world recognizes you.4. Logo Design:
Let me start with make money online by designing logos as this one is personally very close to me. I remember how I pushed a cousin of mine into the world of Internet while he was in high school. No idea how, but he landed in the world of Logo Design and today he is making loads of money just by designing logos on a regular basis. As pompous as it sounds, logo design is a career in itself with people doing it full time just because of the money that can be made.5. Stock Graphic Sales:
Yes! They do work. With tons of websites that sell stock graphics, it looks like the niche might be saturated, but that isn’t the case yet. The reason is very simple. The kind of stuff available on these websites isn’t always the best quality. See, I am not denying the fact that such websites have over-the-top graphics, but not every graphic is over-the-top. Right? That is where designers like you can pitch in. Fill in the void and rule the world of stock graphic sales. I know people who are earning their living just by selling stock graphics on various websites.Stock graphic is for real designers only. It is about creating vector files, icons and illustrations etc. If you don’t know Photoshop then better learn it!Also, remember that stock graphic design is not very exciting. You will have to be innovative and patient if you want to make money online by selling stock graphics. This world has lot of competition and they will simply rip you apart if you don’t try hard enough. Be tough and stick around.
Here is something for each one of you. If you miss these then you ain’t getting rich: