Saturday, 21 January 2017



Freelancing is a term commonly used for person who is self employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long term freelance workers are some time representative by a company that resells freelance labor to clients,other work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work.

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Freelance Practices and Compensation:

According to the 2012 freelance industry report compiled primarily about north America freelancing,nearly half of freelancer do writing work, with 18% of freelancer listing writers as a primary skill.10% copy editing copy, as a copy writer.
Depending on the industry,freelance work vary and change over time.In some industries like such as consulting,freelancers may require clients to sign written contracts.While in journalism or writing,while may work for free or do work on spec to build their reputations or a relationship with publications.Some freelancers may provide written estimates of work and requests deposit from clients.
Payment for freelance also depend on industry,skill and experience.Freelancer may charge by a day or hour or a piece rate or on a per project basis.

Freelancers have a variety of reasons for a freelancing,the perceived benefit differ by gender,industry and lifestyle.
Freelancing is taken up by workers who have been laid off,who can not find full time employment,or for those industries such as journalism who are relying increasingly contingent labor rather than full time staff.Freelancers also consist of student trying to make ends meet  during the semester.

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Freelancing,other form of casual labor,can be precarious work.websites,books,portal and organization of freelancers often feature advice on getting and keeping a steady work stream.Beside the lack of job security,many freelancers also report the ongoing hassle of dealing with employers who don't give at a time and possibility of long periods without work.Additionally,freelancers do not receive employment benefits such as a pension,sick leave,paid holidays,bonuses or health insurance.

Impact Of The Internet:

The internet has opened up for many freelancers jobs,expanded available market and has contributed to service sector growth in many economics.Online marketplaces are websites that match buyers and sellers of services provided via the internet.Buyers bid on services at a fixed price or at an hourly rate.

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